

Western Indonesia (WIB)


Foto saya
surabaya, Jatim, Indonesia
I want to live my life to the absolute fullest.. to open my eyes, to be all I can be.. to travel the roads not taken, to meet faces unknown.. to feel the wind, to touch the stars.. I promise to discover myself.. to stand tall with greateness.. to chase down and catch every dream..

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

I'm so sorry

Hai Gapeka-Mania...
kangen nih gue sama kalian semua...
maap ya prents, gue gak sempet update post sama kunjungin blog kalian dan baca2 isi blog kalian...

Bukan karena gue sombong, ato apa nih guys..
tapi ini semata-mata karena gue....
karena . . .
karena apa ya ? ? ?